
Welcome to Craigmillar Park Association

ccamapThe area of the South Edinburgh map outlined in black is the Craigmillar Park Conservation Area and is the same as that covered by the Craigmillar Park Association. With the help of the residents we monitor planning applications and help protect the environment for future generations to enjoy. We support the community in a variety of ways, go to our About Us  page for full information.    Click on map to view full size.


Latest News:

Internal and external installation of a 5G Mast inside Mayfield Church Spire

Following on from our recent AGM, the CPA are delighted to advise residents that our Appeal against the case presented to the DPEA (Department for Planning & Environment Appeals) has been upheld, and fully supported by a report submitted by an External Reporter appointed by the DPEA.

The Appellant (A major Mobile Company) now have six weeks to lodge a further appeal, but that involves presenting it to the Court of Session. Having had two local Council Appeals turned down and now with the DPEA’s rejection, it is hoped that we can continue to enjoy the magnificent features of this landmark building without further anxiety.


Save the date!

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 7.30pm

Elm Lecture Theatre, Kings Buildings

Roads Trams and Automobiles. The future of transport

All residents in the conservation area are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Craigmillar Park Association which will take place on Thursday 9th October in the Elm Lecture Theatre, Nucleus Building, King’s Buildings Campus at 7.30pm. AGM Business will be followed by a talk by Robin Burns, Edinburgh Council Head of the Cameron Toll Bio Quarter Transport Project and a Q&A with local Councillors.

Click here to view and download Autumn 2024 Newsletter.

Location of the venue:


Scottish Government’s review of Permitted Development Rights 

The Scottish Government is carrying out a review of permitted development rights (PDR) as part of their wider planning reform programme. PDR provide flexibility to carry out certain types of development without a planning application having to be submitted to – and approved by – the relevant planning authority. Part of Phase 3 review focuses on domestic renewables including renewable energy equipment and replacing windows.

As part of this process, the Scottish Government launched a public consultation in summer this year. The consultation is now finished but you can find information on the proposed changes in the below link:



University scheme provides free room hire for community groups

With the aim of fostering stronger ties with its surrounding communities, a pioneering initiative, ‘Community Access to Rooms’ is being piloted by the University of Edinburgh. At its core lies a simple but powerful idea: offering free room hire to local community organisations when these spaces are not being used for other University purposes like teaching or research.

Here is a link to the relevant website with all the information.



Save the date!

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 19th October 2023 at 7.30pm

Craigmillar Park Church Hall.

All residents in the conservation area are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Craigmillar Park Association which will take place on Thursday 19th October in the Church Hall of Craigmillar Park Church at 7.30pm. AGM Business will be followed by a talk by XKY Energy. Tea and coffee will be served after the meeting.

Click HERE to view our latest newsletter

For those of you new to the area, this association, formed 25 years ago and a member of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland (AHSS), is composed of local residents and its aims are as follows:
To stimulate public interest in, and care for, the beauty, character and history of the immediate area (see CPA web site for map) and, through other agencies the entire Newington district.
To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of public architectural or historic interest in the area.
To promote high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the area.
To provide or assist in the provision of recreation or other leisure time occupation for the benefit of the general public.

The CPA has over the years been involved in planning processes to put forward the resident’s point of view:

  1. The plan to demolish the former St Margaret’s school to build a six storey block on the corner of Suffolk Road and Craigmillar Park.
  2. Overdevelopment of East Suffolk Park, the extension to Crawfurd Road.
  3. The position and height of new buildings in the former Royal Blind School.
  4. A MacDonalds being built where the Conan Doyle medical centre now stands.
  5. The Drive-thru cafes operating 24 hours a day.

It has also helped finance improvements to the five strips of woodland in Granby, Gilmour and Suffolk Roads and is a conduit between residents and the Grange Prestonfield Community Council.

Moving forward, there are many local issues causing concern for residents at this particular time.

  • The proposed changes to the Cameron Toll Shopping Centre on Lady Road: there are plans to build a cinema complex, a six storey, 155 bedroom hotel and a number of housing blocks on this site. Many mature trees which screen the centre and help absorb the CO2 from traffic fumes will be felled, parking spaces greatly reduced and the high density of buildings in this relatively small area will detract from the local character.
  • The ongoing construction and development work of student accommodation on Mayfield Road and continued road closure.

You may have other concerns about the area and wish to air these at the AGM.

As a group we look at the planning applications for the local area and raise objections or support, however due to retirement of our local planning expert it would be really useful if someone with a planning background would volunteer to be part of the Association or be available to offer advise.

We hope that some newcomers to the district – or perhaps longstanding residents who have been too busy in past years – will step up to the plate to meet the challenges facing our area. If we can’t find post holders, then we will have to talk seriously about the future of the CPA. Every help and advice will be offered from the existing committee to anyone new to the job but new energy and ideas are needed to deal with the challenges needed to preserve the many attractive features of our area.

We look forward to seeing you on the 19th October.
Refreshments will be served.